Creating Horse Whisperers

Horses: What majestic, elegant creatures of beauty and grace. And in thundering herds, what power and strength. To be able to communicate with a horse eye-to-eye and with a whisper, using only slight movements to direct motion, demonstrates a gift of true mutual trust. Now, imagine being a child who has had more than their share of problems or hardships,… Read More

Mowing Lawns to Pay It Forward

In the fall of 2015 Rodney Smith Jr., 26, of Huntsville, Alabama saw an elderly man trying to cut his lawn. Seeing the man struggle with the mower sparked an idea. Born and raised in Bermuda, he was taught a strong cultural philosophy. He lives by the phrase “To whom much is given, much is required”. He stepped up and… Read More

A Home of Her Own

Dreams come in all forms. Some people want a puppy, others want a carefree life, a good job, to be thin and never gain weight, or maybe riches and fame. Other people merely want a home to call their own, a happy ending. A young woman named Diana got a bad break in life, a seriously bad break. She fell… Read More